About Us

Welcome to the world of handmade tree ring art! If you're looking for a unique and meaningful piece of home decor, you've come to the right place. Tree ring art is a unique form of printmaking that showcases the natural beauty and history of trees in a new and captivating way. Each print is created by hand, using the cross-section of a tree trunk as the main subject. The rings, each representing a year in the life of the tree, are carefully selected and arranged to create a stunning work of art that celebrates the cycles of life and the passing of time. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or simply looking to bring a touch of the great outdoors into your home, a handmade tree ring art print is the perfect choice. Browse our collection today to find the perfect piece for your home!

We are a couple team, dedicated to creating beautiful and meaningful tree ring art. Based in Montreal, we have a deep connection to our second hometown and the surrounding environment, which is reflected in our work. All of the tree rings that we use for our prints are selected with care from the local area, ensuring that each piece is not only visually stunning but also holds a special connection to the place that we call home. Our passion for this art form shines through in every print that we create, and we take pride in our commitment to producing high-quality, handmade pieces that are sure to impress. We are passionate about bringing the natural beauty of our home to others and sharing our love of nature through our art.